The Chrysalises of Saint-Jean

M.Chaulet - Ville de Lyon

In a nutshell

In a seismic display of light, the Romanesque building reveals its priceless jewels which are usually hidden from the public gaze. The cathedral is prey to strange convulsions.

In a seismic display of light, the Romanesque building reveals its priceless jewels which are usually hidden from the public gaze. The cathedral is prey to strange convulsions as it is constantly shaken, stripped and rebuilt. How do you unravel reality from hallucination in this succession of apparitions? Statues and gargoyles come to life and medieval sculptures hidden from sight for centuries in the Manécanterie treasure house transform the facade. A mysterious ivory coffer suddenly appears in full light or the brightly coloured rose windows. Draperies seem to shroud the building and its immobile stone statues. Through these “visual chrysalises” the cathedral reveals almost all of its secrets.

Artiste Damien Fontaine

Find out more Saint-Jean Cathedral