Ancienne gare des Brotteaux


As the replacement for a first station dating from 1858, Gare des Brotteaux was built from 1904 to 1908 by engineer Victor-Louis Rascol and architect Paul d'Arbaut for the PLM (Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean) railway company. This station connected the Paris-Marseille and Lyon-Geneva lines but was shut down after the opening of the new TGV station at La Part-Dieu. Rehabilitated in 1988 by architect Yves Heskia, it now holds an auction house, offices, restaurants, bars and a discotheque.

Although the metal frame of the hall was demolished, the travelers' building has kept its original décor. Paintings by Charles Lacour, Antoine Barbier, C. Gitrier and Clovis Terreire represent landscapes along the train lines. Remarkable for both its inside and outside decoration, the building was classified as a historical monument in 1982 and listed as a Twentieth Century Heritage building in 2002.

Source: Greater Lyon Office of Tourism and Conventions