Atelier Change de Chaîne


Change de Chaîne is a bike maintenance and repair association.

The association has organized an exciting Bike Block Party for the Extras! during Les Nuits Sonores (June 2014). Association members have actively participated in debates and conferences that are open to the public with the Heureux Cyclage (Happy Cycling) network, including:
- "Vélo et développement local" (Biking and Local Development) at the Rencontres du Cadre de Ville (October 2014);
- "Comment structurer des filières de réemploi des cycles dans le Grand Lyon ?" (How to Structure Ways to Reuse Bikes in Greater Lyon) at Pignon sur Rue (February 2014);

And, of course, they carry out concrete actions to put bikes back in circulation;
- numerous repairs in workshops housed by various Vaise groups
- recovery of discarded bikes to recondition them or recover spare parts for reuse (European Waste Reduction Week at Champagne au Mont d'Or and Décines, November 2013 and 2014)