Out of the box

Muriel Chaulet

In a nutshell

Dancers perform, alone or in groups, enclosed in transparent boxes. Their movements, captured by each box using different systems, generate video images, light and sound...

Dancers perform, alone or in groups, enclosed in transparent boxes. Their movements, captured by each box using different systems, generate video images, light and sound that reflect their imaginary world.

These boxes symbolise small worlds with different borders, whose inhabitants are locked up, echoing the lockdowns we have just experienced and the notion of frontiers, which both distances us from and connects us to the world, with which we collectively share this experience.


This performance is the work of an interdisciplinary and international group, comprising students in architecture (Leipzig), interactive techniques (Bucharest) and lighting design for live performances (Lyon).

The Platform for Young French-German Creation was founded in Lyon over 10 years ago and is aimed at forging close ties between young artists from France, Germany and Europe in general. As such, it organises and coordinates a university project on French-German light design with complementary study areas. In 2018, this exchange was extended to a third country, Romania.


Students from: 
- DN MADe light management option, Lycée Branly (Lyon)
- Masters in interactive digital technologies, CINETic UNATC (Bucharest) 
- Architecture, HTWK (Leipzig)
- Drama/movement/dance, Arts en Scène

Choreography, artistic direction (Natacha Paquignon): Compagnie Corps au Bord, Lyon

Technical assistance: French-German Youth Office, Grand Lyon la Métropole, Goethe-Institut Lyon, German Consulate in Lyon, City of Leipzig and Rakor Plomberie.