I love Lyon

I love Lyon
Thursday 5, Friday 6 & Saturday 7: 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Sunday 8: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

In a nutshell

One of the Festival of Light’s most emblematic installations, depicting the Sun King in the snow, I Love Lyon has lost none of its poetic beauty.

You might remember that, in 2006 and then in 2007, Jacques Rival enclosed the Statue of Louis XIV under a glass dome in the middle of Place Bellecour. It was a snow globe to be more precise and it became one of the Festival of Light’s most iconic installations. Including it in the jubilee lineup was a no-brainer!

The statue has recently been renovated and the Sun King has been transported into modern times in his monumental snow globe. A popular spot for locals and tourists alike, Place Bellecour will be bathed in cyan and magenta in its poetic microcosm.

I love Lyon with its swirling snowflakes appeals to our childhood memories.

Artist Jacques Rival

Sponsors Métropole de Lyon

Find out more Place Bellecour